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Meet Leo Diez


Hello, I’m Leo Diez, Founder of the School of Empowerment

"The Life Awakening Journey"

My Story

I’ve spent 20 years on a path of deep healing, learning and self-empowerment and I have no doubt that what I have to share with you will change your life as it did mine.


The Way of Empowerment is my own unique offering that combines my expert knowledge and training in Andean Amazonian shamanism, conscious body movement and creativity to guide you on your conscious journey. 


After experiencing depression since childhood, I am now grateful to say I am at a peaceful state where I feel I am fully in control of my life, my relationships and how I perceive the world around me. It is my deepest wish for others to feel this state of peace and to find this true feeling of joy that comes from knowing who you are on a deeper level.


My career began as a personal trainer over 20 years ago, specialising in a range of health and fitness approaches, as well as sharing my marital arts knowledge that I had studied throughout my life.  Exercise and health were the things that really helped me to feel more positive, but this was not constant. I also felt disillusioned with the fitness industry and its objectives.


It was a chronic depression around 10 years ago that led me to investigate my state of consciousness further.  In hindsight, what I thought was the worst point in my life was the blessing and beginning of a new way of living and being. I had hit rock bottom and was in a negative spiral of reflecting on childhood trauma, broken relationships, and despair. My marriage broke down and I lived pretty much in isolation over one year.


During this time, I really went inward. I felt like there had to be more to life, more to our existence on this planet, more to me than my


‘What I didn’t realise at the time’ was an ‘ego identity.’ More to me than what I had been told I was...

My journey back to my true inner nature

My native land is Bolivia, South America and so it was natural that I would be drawn to study a path of healing

and self-discovery through the route of the Ancient Wisdom of the Andean Amazonian Cosmovision. 

I started to study with some of the Ancient Masters and a huge shift in my whole reality happened over those years.

I have become a different version of me.. or rather I have shed all the layers that were not me... that I thought were me. 

I have learnt under guidance of the elders how to eliminate toxic beliefs and how to navigate life and its challenges by being conscious, aware, grateful, and respectful to others and very importantly…myself.  As a result of being taught by some of the most respected ancient masters in the Andean Ancient Wisdom the techniques on how to liberate myself and live a life of joy, I can now share this knowledge and help others heal and find their true inner power. 

The Way of Empowerment is my own unique offering that combines shamanism, conscious movement and creativity to guide you on your conscious journey. 


Learn how to change your life today with

" Life awakening "

The way of empowerment

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